Red 5 Comics debuts Free Comic Book Day 2025 titles!
Red 5 Comics is proud to announce our Free Comic Book Day title for 2025! Having participated in FCBD since 2008, this year’s entry features an exciting mix of superhero action, supernatural suspense, and post-apocalyptic adventure aimed at young adult audiences.
In an exclusive prologue for “Enigmatown”, you know the story of the child’s plaything becoming a real boy, but what happens when the real boy becomes a child’s toy? Then, after acid rain destroys the world, Jocelyn Alvarez must venture into the wasteland in search of "Something Beyond the Petrichor". And when teenager Jennifer Gaitlin dons the ancient helmet of Wukong, she gains the experiences and abilities of every warrior who has ever worn it to become “Snow Monkey”!
Our FCBD 2025 issue will introduce readers to three exciting new titles by Red 5 Comics!
When teenager Jennifer Gaitlin dons the ancient helmet of Wukong, she gains the experiences and abilities of every warrior who has ever worn it. As Snow Monkey, she fights against her father, the crime lord known as The Sensei, who is training his students to become an army of deadly warriors.
WRITER: Jason Shaw
ART: Heubert Khan Michael
COLOR: Chuck Obach
LETTERS: Saida Temofonte
SNOW MONKEY #1 will debut in May 2025.
You know the story of the child’s plaything becoming a real boy, but what happens when the real boy becomes a child’s toy? It starts like any toy’s destiny starts; it’s first beloved by its owner, then slowly forgotten, until, sadly, abandoned. But what will happen to a toy that contains a living soul? Anything is possible in Enigmatown!
ART: Abrielle Terzian
ENIGMATOWN will debut Summer 2025.
Jocelyn Alvarez's storehouse of canned goods is waning, and her stuffed turtle Quigley is beginning to panic. The world around her has been all but dissolved thanks to the constant deluge of acid rain that started a year and a half ago. Armed with a plastic raincoat, plastic umbrella, and plastic water gun filled with acid rain (just in case), Jocelyn and Quigley journey through the deadly deluge that has turned their world to dust in search of "Something Beyond the Petrichor".
WRITER: Dakota Brown
SOMETHING BEYONG THE PETRICHOR #1 will debut Summer 2025.
Ask your retailer to reserve your copies today!